The Board of Directors of the Colon Free Zone modifies the obligations to which companies operating within this commercial area are subject to

Board of Directors of the Colon Free Zone

The Board of Directors of the Colon Free Zone has proceeded to modify the obligations that govern the companies that carry out their operations within this commercial area.  This update is reflected in RESOLUTION JD No. 004-2023, which was published on July 13, 2023.  Among the amendments introduced is a new obligation with which, companies wishing to operate in this area must comply:

“Companies shall maintain in optimal conditions a fire detection system adequate to the location of the premises and the type of merchandise it will exhibit or store, and which shall contain at least a smoke or heat detection system with the corresponding alarm connected to an emergency call center, which must have a certification of good working order and a maintenance contract issued by a competent natural or legal person before the Technical Board of Engineering and Architecture (JTIA, in Spanish) and the National Directorate of Safety, Prevention and Fire Investigation (DINASEPI, in Spanish)of the Honorable Fire Department of the Republic of Panama.”

Further, said resolution introduces the following additional requirements for the application of operating permits within the Colon Free Zone:

1-) Copy of the Lease Agreement with the signatures authenticated before a Notary, in case it is a private lease, indicating the monthly lease to be paid by the lessee company;

2-)  Certification issued by a competent company, no more than six months old, indicating that the premises to be occupied has a fire detection system adequate to the location of the premises and the type of merchandise to be exhibited or stored, and that it will contain at least a smoke or heat detection system with the corresponding alarm connected to an emergency call center, which shall be verified by the Colon Free Zone.

3-)  Affidavit of nominative shares in accordance with the form issued by the Legal Counsel Department.

Source:  Official Gazette No. 29824-A of July 13, 2023.