Industrial Models And Designs

The importance of protecting industrial models and designs
At Coronell, Lam & Associates, we are experts in the registration and protection of industrial designs and models.

We have extensive experience of thirty years in the Colon Free Zone, Panama. Our highly qualified team uses advanced technological tools to protect your work and investment. Additionally, we offer services for trademark registration and drafting commercial contracts. We are pleased to address your legal needs. Contact us for more information.

In principle, every technological instrument–in transport, communications, food industry, everywhere…–goes through a process of preliminary design that demands hours, days, and years of hard work.

A legal definition presents the industrial design as “any arrangement of lines or colors, bidimensional or tridimensional, that demonstrates the manufacture of an industrial or handicraft product” and the industrial model, as “any form obtained by known tools or instruments that add a special feature to facilitate and improve their use.”

But in the paper and on the computer screen, the drawing of an innovative industrial model can be seen and even copied by anyone, to use unfairly. Sadly to say, but the industry history shows us many examples of true judicial wars between inventors or companies for the rights to an industrial model.

To avoid this, laws and treaties and even a worldwide base of designs and models have been created, which offers to industrial designs holders the necessary tools to protect the fruits of their labor and investment.

And we, in Coronell, Lam & Associates, have the technological tools and the most qualified personnel to register and protect your drawings and models, according to the parameters and requirements established in the legislation.

With thirty years of experience in the field of registration and protection of patents and copyrights, in the Free Trade Zone of Colon, Panama, we are able to advise you during the process of registration of an industrial design.

We are professional in the areas of international trade and local business and among our various specialties; we are also experts in the registration and protection of trademarks, patents, industrial designs and drawings and the preparation and review of commercial contracts.

The prestige obtained throughout a long career, is our calling card. We will be happy to know your case; guide and serve you. We will be happy to assist you! Just contact us!

Contact Us

Please feel free to write to us for more information about our services and to receive professional guidance.