The Firm

Coronell, Lam & Asociados

Our Objective

Supporting businesses looking to establish operations in the Colon Free Zone, and our network of international correspondents bears testament to our commitment to providing comprehensive legal solutions for our clients, both on a national and international scale.

Having a dedicated Intellectual Property Department that handles the registration and protection of patents, industrial designs, trademarks, copyrights, and border protection measures showcases your commitment to safeguarding the intellectual property of your clients in every possible aspect, which is crucial in today’s business world.

Your ability to manage the implementation of border measures to detain counterfeit goods at ports and release the detained cargo is invaluable in protecting intellectual property rights.

We maintain a Compliance Department that advises businesses on implementing anti-money laundering plans.

Your expertise in administrative, customs, labor, civil, and criminal proceedings demonstrates your capacity to offer a comprehensive approach to conflict resolution and provide legal guidance and representation in various areas of the law.

We have specialized personnel in family matters, such as the liquidation of marital economic regimes, divorce, custody, alimony, adoptions, and the protection of children and adolescents, demonstrating a commitment to assisting your clients in sensitive personal and family situations.

Overall, the combination of specialized legal services in various areas and your focus on client satisfaction and the protection of their interests makes you a comprehensive and trustworthy legal firm.

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We are legal experts, ready to assist you.
At Coronell, Lam & Associates, we understand your legal concerns and are here to provide effective solutions. Our team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers is ready to offer you the legal advice you need.