Authorities shall have no considerations with employers who insist on hiring foreigners and minors without the pertinent work permit


As established in Law 59 of September 12, 2017, which modifies and adds articles to the Labor Code, employers shall be fined from $500.00 per each employee without its respective work permit.  These fines could be as high as $10,000.00 in case of recurrence.

The employer hiring minors without a pertinent permit shall be fined as established in article 125 of the Labor Code, with fines from $700.00 per minor hired, payable in favor of the National Treasury.

In case of companies hiring ten or more employees, the amount of the fines shall be doubled.  The names of these companies shall be published in a list at the website of MITRADEL.

It is important to clarify that in case of those employers insisting on hiring foreign employees without the due permit, MITRADEL shall request the Ministry of Commerce and Industries to definitely cancel the Notice of Operation of the companies and commercial premises recurrent in the hiring of foreign personnel without the corresponding authorization.

This standard establishes the procedure to impose sanctions in case of non-compliance.