Criminal records cannot be required for job applications


Depending on the services and employments, a Police Record issued by the Judicial Investigation Directorate shall be requested.  The record cannot be requested for job applications as established in Article 25 of Law 51 of October 27, 2016, which amends article 18 of Law 60 of 2007.

These provisions must be fulfilled except in case of the following services and employments: Banking, Financial or Securities, air transportation, surveillance or private security, handling and control of explosives, guard and custody of minors, teaching personnel and school transportation personnel, domestic tasks.

Officials of the Ministry of Economy and Finance working at the following Directorates and Administrative Units: the General Directorate of Treasury, Incomes, Administration of Seized Property, Superintendence and Regulation of Non-Financial Individuals, UABR and the Gaming Control Board.

Criminal Records issued for these services or employments shall be free.